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Why Your Toilet Cubicle Accessories Easy To Get Rust?

Generally, toilet cubicle accessories can be divided into three parts: aluminium alloy, zinc alloy and stainless steel. Among them, stainless steel is easy to get rust.

So if the rust situation can be avoided when we gave up stainless steel.

No. It’s not appropriate to make such definition, because not all stainless steel will get rust, just 202# stainless steel easy to get rust. As for 304# and 316# stainless steel, they won’t get rust as 202#.

Under the toilet environment, it is acidic environment. The corrosion resistance of 202# would be weaker than 304# and 316#.

Then how to avoid being rust?

JIALIFU believes that we could choose 304# or 316#, but not 202#.